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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Radio Music Conference - Albany, GA (3-22-08)

By: B. Brown of BREG

It was a history making moment in Albany, GA on Saturday, March 22, 2008! Team JaWar (Music Industry Connection) invaded Albany, GA for the Radio Music Conference. The first Music Conference of its kind took place in this long ignored area and the audience loved it!

JaWar (Music Industry Connection), Allen Johnston (The Music Specialist), John Christmas (Sports & Ent. Attorney/Bio Disel Fuel), DJ Judgemental (Hittmen DJ; Radio Mixshow DJ), Willie Hunter (Sentinel Newspaper), B. Brown (Bar-Red Ent. Grp.), J-Dog (Select-O-Hits Distribution), and El & Goose (Mogul Tunes) gave awesome presentations that really gave conference attendees the ability to make money and moves in the industry as soon as they left the conference. The theme of the conference-seminar was "How to Make Money Online"!

Great networking took place at the conference, and I have personally been speaking with contacts that I made at the Radio Music Conference and I will probably do some business with some of them.

I would like to give a big shout-out to the Host of the event --- Solo! Brother, you did a good job and the next conference is going to be even better. I would like to recognize some more entertainment professionals that were present --- Cool Water (Artificially Flavored, Inc.); Rovella (Versus Ent.); Thedy B. (Hits-A-Million Ent.); Hotep (Skinnymen Productions); Ayodele Vassell (Ent. Attorney); GameFace Video Production & Bizness.

I would like to say thank you to all the conference attendees and ask that you make the next conference even bigger and better! May God Bless you and keep you!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Direction of an Artist and/or Independent Record Company

By: B. Brown of BREG

I receive a lot of phone calls and emails asking about what direction an Artist and/or an Independent Record Company should go in for their project. In the last two (2) days, I have had three (3) conversations about this very important issue.

As far as direction is concerned, there is always more than one way to skin a cat and it is the same way in the music industry. Many people have a clear vision of the result they want, but do not have a clear vision of how to get to those results. That's why you would contact and hire Bar-Red Entertainment Group (BREG), JaWar and/or any of my business associates to assist you in making your project a success.

One of the first things you have to do is be willing to work hard. The second thing is to be willing to listen & learn. The third thing is to actually have some financial resources available and be willing to use your own financial resources strategically. These three (3) things are very important!

The direction we all may want to be headed in and definitely invest research time and money into is digital marketing, promotions and sales. We are in a music based content environment and we have to tap into this arena or we will definitely be left behind. Solja Boy sold 3 million + ringtones and 500,000 physical Albums (CD). See the difference!

As business men and women, we must elevate our minds and businesses to reach our goals. Believe me, we can do it!

One Love!