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Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Art of Music Management

Written By: B. Brown of BREG Mgt.

*Management: The act, manner, or practice of managing, supervising, or controlling. The persons who manage a business establishment, organization, or institution; Executive skill.

*Manager - One in charge of the business affairs of an entertainer. (Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary; 1984)

Hello, what’s up, como estas, hey! I’m trying to get your attention! If you are a Music Artist or Music Professional or a person trying to get into the Music Business/Industry or just curious and you want to learn more about the Music Business, then I’m talking to you!

There is a very bad myth out there which has a lot of Music Artists believing that a Music Manager is supposed to be an ATM, Mother, Father, Chauffer, Babysitter, etc. for them. A lot of Music Artists also believe that the Music Manager or Music Management Team is supposed to do everything for the Music Artist and the Music Artist does not have to do anything but be available, which could also be a challenge. Remember this; there are only a handful of Music Managers or Music Management Teams that can walk a Music Artist straight into a deal without any movement or buzz being created. Read what I’m writing very closely everyone. The job of the Music Manager is to Advise & Guide & helps create opportunities for the Music Artist. Any money spent on behalf of the Music Artist is considered an Advance and the money is recoupable off the top of any monies that are generated. The Music Manager works for the Music Artist, not vice versa. But in an ideal situation, they both must work together to achieve the goals that are set. Team Work is how things get done. If the Music Artist meets a contact or comes across an opportunity, then they need to pass the information on to the Music Manager. If the Music Manager meets a contact or comes across an opportunity, then they need to discuss the situation with the Music Artist. Work together to get things accomplished!

Now, everywhere a Music Artist goes, the Music Manager does not have to be present, but I do recommend that the Music Manager be present for Major Events and Situations. I would also recommend that the Music Manager be present at all meetings if possible with New Contacts. This is very important because it shows that the Music Artist has a team and wants to do proper business.

Length of the Music Management Agreement, Percentages, etc. should be discussed, confirmed and put together with an Entertainment Attorney. The Music Artist pays the Music Manager or Music Management Team. A percentage of Gross Income is the most traditional way, but some Music Managers receive Salaries or some kind of combination. This deal point needs to be negotiated and confirmed.

Thank you for reading this Blog and I Pray that it has helped you understand Music Management better! One Love from B. Brown of Bar-Red Ent. Grp. (BREG) – 770.912.8065 and/or


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Anonymous said...

Ja, sennilega svo pad er