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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ludacris - Doing good in the hood!!!

USA Today (Sept. 8, 2009; Life Section B)

In the Atlanta area, 20 cars are on the road with thankful drivers because of rapper/actor Ludacris. He partnered with an auto dealership to give away 20 cars to people who submitted an essay to the Ludacris Foundation, explaining why they deserved a car. "People are getting laid off and now are looking for jobs," Ludacris said. "To be efficient, you need some transportation of your own to get there. That's why I wanted to give back."

B. Brown's Thoughts: Ludacris (Chris Bridges) is doing an outstanding job with his Ludacris Foundation and I truly applaud him for his efforts! As he continues to grow as an artist, he has definitely not forgotten about his community. Even though he is originally from Chicago, IL, he has made Atlanta, GA home and from his start at WHTA Hot 107.9fm Atlanta, GA to his Music & Movie Fame & Fortune, Luda has always been a man of the people! I wish him continued success in all of his endeavours! Keep doing your thing Luda!

One Love!

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